Helios Aragon updates the natural hydrogen community on the encouraging progress of legislation in Spain

Carmen Font, EVP Corporate and Strategy at Helios, provided a comprehensive update on the considerable progress made by the Government of Spain on the introduction of legislation to allow for the commercialisation of natural hydrogen. The Government commenced, prior to the recent elections, the formal process of including the natural hydrogen exploration and production activities under the Mining Act in Spain. Now that the Government is settled for the current term, the legislative certainty under Section D of the Act is expected. Section D encompasses energy-related deposits: coals, radioactive minerals, geothermal resources, bituminous rocks, and other energy-related mineral deposits. Designation by the Government, upon the proposal of the Minister of Industry and Energy, and with input from the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain, determines specific substances falling under this category. Carmen commented that Helios Aragon, in anticipation of the forthcoming legislative certainty, has submitted applications under Section D to allow for development and production from the Monzon Natural Hydrogen Project before the end of this decade.